For the six million UK wine drinkers who want to learn more but don't know where to start, The Wine List is a way to learn in a structured, engaging and non-pretentious way.
Good morning
This is the first formal investor update for The Wine List now that we've entered a monthly pattern.
Any questions, just hit reply and let me know.
All the best
- We closed fundraising! 🎉Thank you so much for your support over the last few weeks and months.
- Alice joins us as our first hire as Ops Associate on Monday 📦 She's previously worked ops at food delivery startup Feedr. Her first three months are all about unit margin improvements.
- Building V1 of the product. 🔧With the v0.1 version created and proven, we're working with a Master of Wine student Simone Williams to help develop the next iteration.
- Brand & value prop work begins. ✍As the product has been V0.1, so too has the brand, identity & value prop. Work begins this month to nail the value prop and visual identity so that we can scale in coming months.
- Customers, customers, customers. 👪To get the above two tasks right, my main focus this month is triple down on customer conversations. I'm planning to speak to and meet 20 new customers over the next three weeks.
How you can help
- Partnerships. 🤝 We'll be kicking off marketing experiments towards the end of the month. A large part of this will be partnerships. We are looking for anywhere that we can get an offer out on a CPA or as a favour to be returned further down the line. Other food & drink startups, newsletters, members benefits, rewards programmes, etc etc.
- What do you want to know? This investor update is going to be a monthly email but it needs to be the right level for you. Does this level work? What are the key metrics that you want to see?
Read next: #2 - 3 April 2020